We conduct research to promote awareness about bilingualism and to develop sound instructional practices in bilingual education.
Bilingual Family Reading Circles: Celebrating Books With Latinx FamiliesDr. Eury Bauer, Dr. Lenny Sánchez, Celina-Maria Espinosa, Katherine Eliana Roberson Spring-Summer 2023 Background & Objectives In this community outreach research project, 20+ Latinx families are participating in bilingual family reading circles, geared for their children who are ages 3-8 years old. Family literacy studies have shown that parental storybook reading has an impact on children's success in school-based literacy instruction. In partnership with the Richland County Public Library, Richland School Districts 1&2, Hispanic Connections, and the University of South Carolina's Bilingual Matters Center, we are engaged in weekly storybook sessions to enrich children’s bilingual and biliterate development. |